Efficiency for the
microbiology laboratory


The AUTOPLAK fully automates front-end plate streaking processes, broth inoculation, slide preparation, bi-plate streaking and disk dispensing to increase productivity and ensure reliability.

Automated Plate Streaker

Plate streaking.

Advance the efficiency of your laboratory by automating inoculation and plate streaking. Inoculate and streak automatically using AUTOPLAK system. Isolate colonies via different protocols. Standardize streaking methods through AUTOPLAK automation system.

Broth inoculation.

Expand the functionality of AUTOPLAK with our broth inoculation module to inoculate enrichment broth with barcode printing on the tube.

Slide preparation.

AUTOPLAK incorporates the Gram slide preparation module to extend Gram slides with barcode printing on the slides.

Bi-plate streaking.

Our bi-plate streaker optional module permits the streaking on bi-plate media.

Disk dispensing.

Our Disk diffusion test dispenser module automatically applies antibiotic discs into the sample. The instrument labels plates and places them in the output column.

6 reasons for choosing AUTOPLAK

Excellent streaking

Thanks to a reliable
and robust automatic
inoculation and streaking process.

Productivity, efficiency
and reliability

Automating inoculation and streaking, minimising the risk of contamination by means of safe and reliable sample processing, simplifying challenging sample processing and integrating the system into your laboratory’s LIS.

We optimise space
in the laboratory

The design is compact in size, so vital space required for your facilities is optimised. AUTOPLAK can be installed against a wall and its wheels make it easy to transport.

Quick to install
and ergonomic

Intuitive HMI, with access from the front for loading and extraction of samples. Easy to install.


Continuous loading by means of independent drawers, wide range of tubes admitted, inoculation in liquid and solid media, Gram extension, bi-plate streaking, inoculation in enrichment medium, antibiotic disc dispenser…

Flexibility for customised configuration

We have three versions depending on the needs of each laboratory (Standard, Advanced and Full equip)

In the current context,
an innovative, technological and competitive product like AUTOPLAK contributes to the efficiency of the laboratory and guarantees the quality of the service and the results.

18 years offering innovative
automation solutions that meet
the highest standards of excellence.

“AUTOPLAK is a great and versatile equipment which really helps us to increase productivity and ensure efficiency and reliability. It is easy to handle and has an useful interface, which allows our technical team input and set up the required information to process samples, run and analyze the process.”

Fernanda Diniz Prates
Lab-to-Lab Pardini (Grupo Fleury)

Our distributors


Beckman Coulter

Other Regions

Sener Diagnostics SA

Parc de l’Alba C/ Creu Casas i Sicart, 86-87, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona